Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Some things Angus does really, really well

We already know where Angus needs to improve: housebreaking (but he's still just little). Biting (that is, his bites are impressive--he needs to improve on not biting). Chewing (Bitter Apple helps, but it's temporary; we keep spraying the same things over and over: the edge of the dog bed; the leash; my hands and feet).

These are just normal puppy things, not really bad behaviors.

But there are some things that this sweet puppy does beautifully, and I have to be very conscious not to screw him up.

1. He comes immediately when called. This is not unusual for a little puppy; he hasn't yet learned free will. Rosie used to do this, too, and I remember the day when she suddenly realized that she didn't really have to come when I called her because whatever she was doing in the yard was much more interesting, and what was I going to do about it, anyway, given that she was on one side of the yard and I was on the porch steps? Good question.

In puppy class, they stress that you never call the dog repeatedly. Call his name once, and if he doesn't come then somehow make him come. (That's the vague part.) Calling, "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie!" which I did, which I sometimes still do, only reinforces that they don't have to come on the first call.

So for now, when Angus comes when I call, I praise him like crazy and give him treats. I don't want to screw up his beautiful recall.

2. He is trusting and loves us. This morning I came downstairs while he was eating his breakfast, and he actually left his food dish to run greet me, and then ran back to finish his kibble. I'm not sure how I could screw this up, but I'm sure I could in some way. Be ever vigilant! I tell myself.

3.  He is trusting and loves others.  He met another couple of neighbors yesterday, and the night before he met a neighbor with a big shaggy dog, and he hopped around and sat nicely and was delighted.  This is pretty normal for puppies; it is only when they get a little older that they start feeling a natural wariness of others. So we must continue to socialize him and have him meet people as much and as often as possible--not as easy in the winter, but we are doing our best. (Neighbors, if you read this, come meet Angus!)

4. He adores his crate.  We are lucky here; previous dogs did not feel this way. Boscoe screamed in his, even as a puppy, and Riley fought it every single time. Rosie loves her crate, too, and believe me it makes life so much easier. Angus is learning "go to bed!" and he is happy in there--a good thing, since he spends quite a bit of time in it. So we must not screw that up by forgetting the treats or the cheery tone of voice.

5. Napping. Yeah, he's a pro. But you know why. GROWING.

A year from now, we'll see how I did.


  1. I want to come meet Angus so badly.

  2. You should take Angus on a nationwide tour. That way we could all meet Angus and Rosie.

  3. You are doing such a GOOD job with Angus. Somebody should give you a treat!


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